Welcome to the Machine!
We decided to take a small break from shows before doing something again next spring. This is mainly due to the reason that drummer Simo has a leg surgery and he needs some time to recover from it.
But before that we are actually doing one more show! It´ll happen in just about two weeks in the small town of Mänttä in an old nightclub turned to local radio station Radio Autere´s headquarters. There will be limited amount (ca. 120) of 10 € tickets for sale on the door. There will be no huge light show (we´ll build something of course) and the band will be performing really close to the audience. There will be some more talk between the songs as the whole show will be broadcasted on Radio Autere (106,6 MHz around Mänttä) as well as their Internet radio, which, of course, can be heard everywhere in the world.
If you wish to secure access to the show, you can contact Joonas at joonas@uulu.fi and he´ll reserve tickets for you to be purchased before the show.
Otherwise, you can just tune in to Radio Autere, put your headphones on and enjoy.