
P.U.L.S.E Revisited @ Tampere-talo, 9.4.2017

It´s time to revisit year 1994, when Pink Floyd toured North America and Europe supporting their album Division Bell. Our lead singer Thierry was a young guy living his dream working as part of the bands security team on that tour. The tour has been a great inspiration to him as well as many other members of Pulse - The Finnish Tribute to Pink Floyd.

Now we want to pay a tribute to the show captured on Pink Floyd´s P.U.L.S.E (DVD), released in 1995. The same songs in the wonderful setting and surround sound system of Tampere-talo. Join us, when we revisit P.U.L.S.E.

Pulse - The Finnish Tribute to pink Floyd
P.U.L.S.E Revisited
9.4.2017, showtime 15.00
Tampere-talo, Tampere

Tickets available here.