Hello, hello, hello!
NOTE: the show was rescheduled from May 20th to November 11th due to restrictions caused by COVID-19.
So, after recovering from the most massive of productions we've ever done (The Wall @ Pyynikki) we are getting back to basics. Music first! Join us in our celebration of 15 years of pulseing around Finland and a little bit abroad as well. Lets meet at Pakkahuone, Tampere, Wednesday 11.11.2020! We promise we'll play whatever we want and as long as we want! Will be good!
Tickets starting 29 €
Tickets from door 35 €, if any left (!)
Doors 18:30, showtime www.tullikamari.net
Eteispalvelumaksu 3 €
Tullikamarin Pakkahuone
IG @tullikamaritre
Pakkahuoneenaukio 2, 33100 Tampere